Clare van Stolk, painter-sculptor

Galerie De Kapberg,
Vrijdag 17 mei t/m 23 juni 2019
Zondag 19 mei om 15.00 uur is de opening van een tentoonstelling in galerie De Kapberg, met o.a. een aantal van mijn bloemschilderijen en kleine vlotte schetsen van naakten, vissen en kreeften. U bent van harte welkom op de opening.
Adres: Slotweg 17, Egmond aan den Hoef.
De tentoonstelling is t/m 23 juni.

Exhibition Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen NH. "New Members"
27 januari t/m 17 maart 2019.
Ben heel blij als nieuw lid te zijn aangenomen van het KCB (Kunstenaars Centrum Bergen), te Bergen NH natuurlijk.
Zoals elk jaar opent het KCB het nieuwe tentoonstellingsjaar met de Salon van Nieuwe Leden.
Dertien kunstenaars die in het afgelopen jaar lid zijn geworden presenteren hun werk in onze
expositieruimte op de eerste verdieping van Kranenburgh.
Very glad to be accepted at the KCB, Kunstenaars Centrum Bergen NH!
As every year The KCB opens the new year with the Salon of New Members.
Thirteen new members present their work in our exhibitionspace at the first floor of Kranenburgh.

Kunst10daagse Bergen NH.
vrijdag 19 oktober t/m zondag 28 oktober 2018.
Alweer een kunst10daagse Bergen.
Ben hard aan het werk voor een nieuwe serie schilderijen, waarbij ik weer een stapje verder wil gaan in mijn toch al grote vrijheid van schilderen. Tevens een nieuwe serie vazen. Hoop u te mogen begroeten in mijn atelier Voert 18a Bergen Nh. Geopend van 12.00 tot 17.00 uur.

Spring Exhibition paintings and metal objects CLARE VAN STOLK 16 March - 30 April 2018 COCO-MAT Flag ship store, Overtoom 89.
In the months februari, march and april.
We invite you to join us for a drink with Clare van Stolk on Sunday April 8 from 2.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
There will be a musical intermezzo at 3.00 p.m. with singer Marie Chaplet
and Eva Bottinga on the saxophone.
Clare van Stolk shows twenty-five colourful flower portraits and new (spacial) drawings on metal.
You are cordially invited!
Cocomat, flagshipstore, Overtoom 89 heeft me (opnieuw) gevraagd om mijn werk te exposeren in hun prachtige winkel met interieur artikelen, waaronder bedden en matrassen van uitsluitend natuurlijke materialen.
U bent van harte welkom. Overtoom 89, Amsterdam.

Kunst10daagse Bergen 2017
Add Date here
Again lotts of new work on 2 locations this year.
In my atelier in Bergen and in Het Vredeskerkje in Bergen aan Zee.

Kunst10daagse Bergen NH.
14 t/m 23 oktober 2016.
Ik nodig je van harte uit om naar mijn laatste werken te komen kijken in de inspirerende omgeving van het Bergense duinlandschap.
Er zijn natuurlijk in mijn serie bloemschilderijen een paar nieuwe grote werken, daarnaast is er een serie genaamd "Herinneringen", met houtskool en inkt opgebouwde dubbelportretten in 2 lagen. En nog veel meer.
Komt allemaal langs.

Interssante schilderworkshops in Bergen NH.
zaterdag 5 maart en zondag 6 maart.
Ga voor meer informatie over de workshops in Bergen naar Workshops in het menu.

Sonja Barend has choosen my portrait of her in "Sterren op het doek".
9 oktober 2105
After 2 weeks of hard work I had made nearly 20 different sketches and paintings. It became difficult to choose one. Because most of us know Sonja Barend from some time ago when she was our talkshow Queen on television I decided to make a portrait wich would be a mixture of the past and the present.

New item in the shop: Birthday calendar!
17 september 2015
Now for Sale:
The elementary form of all social media: this paper Birthday calendar, of Clare van Stolk!
When your digital media are hacked, your telephone stolen and your apps crashed, then this calendar remains your reliable source of important information: a reminder of the true values in life, the birthdays of your real friends and loved ones!
This beautifully produced indestructible calendar with 12 colorfull flowerpaintings by Clare van Stolk, is now available to adorn your toilet, etc. Take a look in Shop.
Orders can be made through this website: on the page contact and are also available during the Kunst10daagse at the Voert 18a, the art farm in Bergen (16 th to 25 th of october).

Sterren op het doek
7 september 2015
Dutch tv invited me (for the second time) to participate in the progamme "Sterren op het Doek".
Well known by the Dutch viewers.
3 portrait painters are invited to make a portrait of a famous Dutch personality.
This time Sonja Barend had to be painted!
I made several versions and it was very difficult to choose one for the program.
I'm not allowed to show more than this blank canvas! The result will be shown on tv on 8 oktober at 20.25 hrs. NPO 2.

Expositie kasteel Oud-Poelgeest, Oegstgeest
14 april 2015
In the beautifull "Koetshuis", part of Castle "Oud-Poelgeest", Poelgeesterweg 1, in Oegstgeest, I may present 24 paintings in a nice ambiance. The exhibition is organised by Apelles Art Gallery,
Sunday 19 april there is a big music festival (for free). I will be there also from 12.00 - 18.00 hours. Hope to meet you!
The exhibition will stay until july.
The address of the Castle is Poelgeesterweg 1, Oegstgeest.
Openinghours, every day from 10.00 until 17.00 hrs.

Cards of my flower paintings, by Bekking&Blitz
12 februar 2015
Bekking & Blitz, a Dutch publisher of art, (cards, posters and calendars), has invited me to become part of their collection. And it's a great collection and a great honour! They are interested in my flowerpaintings. Their work is highly esteemed and is for sale around the world in musea and quality stores. This will be an added stimulus for my flower painting!
These beautifull cards are now also added to the shop on this page, or for sale at

Work, work, after Kunst10daagse!
12 november 2014
Lots of people on the kunst10daagse! RTVNH made a special of De Voert and my work got good exposure. The aluminium portraits of animals and people were a big succes and commissioned in a very interesting portrait of a young woman. I'm working on it...
And also a request for 2 new exhibitions, in short time!

De Kunst10daagse Bergen
vrijdag 17 oktober t/m zondag 26 oktober
Vrijdag 17 september wordt de Bergense Kunst10daagse weer feestelijk geopend door de deelnemers die exposeren op "Kunstboerderij de Voert".
Bij deze bent U van harte welkom om 16.00 uur. Tot ziens, groet Clare.
Kunstboerderij "de Voert", Voert 18a, Bergen NH.

Juli 16, 2014
In earlier I have made charcoal drawings in the streets of Paris and Honfleur to make some money.
Nowadays in these electronic times, I am also drawing in the Ipad and I love the possibilities. So why not make these old charcoals drawings of the streetartist in a digital way!
When you are interested in an e-portrait, go to the page, e-art/e-portraits, where you'll find all the details.

My new website .COM!
Juli 16, 2014
Dear visitor.
Proudly I'm presenting my new website, (in English), with a selection of my work. It focusses more on sale, that's why nearly all presented art is priced.
New items are "News", "Shop", and "E-drawings/E-Portraits".
The website will stay on air also, and focusses on my other activities in Amsterdam and Bergen, like lessons, workshops and company-activities. I hope you like it.